In the Name of Allahﷻ Most Beneficent & Most Merciful. Peace & Blessings Be Upon Our Master Muhammad ﷺ, The Chief & The Seal of All Prophets & Messengers.
Every devout Muslim carries a sacred duty to steer their decisions and conduct in accordance with the Shariah Law. Yet, it's important to understand that ordinary Muslims are not well-versed in the intricacies of Jurisprudence (Fiqh). They have not delved deeply into the understanding of the Qur'an and Sunnah, nor have they attained mastery in the profound sciences that stem from them. Consequently, they do not possess the ability to independently extract the divine rulings of the Shari'ah directly from their original sources.
Common Muslims who try to derive rulings of Shariah directly from the Quran or Hadith without knowledge or a teacher, without referring to the scholars, without knowing the role of precise interpretation, without proper context and without the understanding of Nasikh (The Abrogating) and Mansukh (The Abrogated), are prone to making serious blunders. It's like trying to navigate uncharted waters without a map, and the results can be devastating. Actually it is much worse, because they have put themselves at severe risk of loss in the Hereafter. If it was permitted for everyone to follow whatever they wished whenever they wished, that would lead to following desires and not following the Shari‘ah.
"Do not follow what you have no ˹sure˺ knowledge of. Indeed, all will be called to account for ˹their˺ hearing, sight, and intellect."
Al-Quran, 17:36
So, how do lay Muslims seek sound answers to their questions that arise concerning Islamic practice?
“Ask the people of remembrance (knowledge) if you do not know…”
Al-Quran, 16:43
It would be necessary for them to refer to those who have knowledge of these rulings. It is known throughout Islamic History that layman would seek fatwa from ‘ulama’ in various matters. This is a great blessing for it is beyond the capacity of common Muslims to understand the extremely complex & complicated mechanics of deriving rulings from the primary texts and/or issuing a legal verdict (Fatwâ).
Not everyone can issue a fatwa; it requires a deep knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence, expertise in a specific legal school, and practical experience in applying it to modern issues. It takes many long years of study in acquiring expertise in various Islamic sciences, such as the Etiquettes and Qualifications of Issuing an Islamic Judgement (Adab Al-Fatwa) in order to ensure all verdicts are clear, precise and valid.
At the East Birmingham Central Masjid, we offer a freely accessible online collection of questions and answers related to Islam, beliefs, and Shariah Law from the comfort of your homes. Our comprehensive coverage includes topics such as hygiene and purification, charitable acts, modern-day concerns, financial matters, interactions with non-Muslims, what is permissible and forbidden (halal & haram), marital and intimate relationships, Prayer, Fasting, Ramadan, and much more. We continually expand this list with additional answers. Furthermore, we've created a secure and welcoming platform where you can confidentially ask your questions and receive expert opinion and solutions to your issues.